
  • Conditional Formatting: tool tip added on tabbing
  • Pivot Tables: Column labels will now auto expand
  • Query Filters chip will no longer appear while the input pop up is still open
  • Custom Columns: A deleted custom column name label can now be used again when you create a new column
  • Reports will no longer throw an error when leaving the report unless changes are unsaved
  • The filter type box will now only be purple when it's focused or tabbed to, otherwise it will be grey
  • Aggregation summary row will now change height with table size
  • typing numbers quickly in the Level to Autoexpand input field will no longer cause Kurve to crash 



  • Zooming into a Graph when its sorted Descending will now work
  • Pie graphs: 
    • "Apply Custom Axes Font Settings" font settings is now disabled
    • Multi-series graphs will now properly update in the chart
  • Sort Dimension by Value is now disabled when datetime type field is selected on the x axis
  • "V" is now capitalized in 'Use Distinct Count of Measure values' under Graph Data Settings
  • Combo charts: 
    • Dimension plot lines will now properly add, update and delete
    • Will no longer read single chart settings if not needed and vice versa
  • Graphs that have a color by selected that are then changed to a pie graph type will now function properly
  • Query Filters: UOM colors will now have the proper filter types and will be treated as number fields



  • Keyboard functionality: report and graph description, and graph filters will now close with ESC keyboard button
  • Combo & Multi Series graphs will now update properly if any column being referenced in the graph is removed