- Remember to ensure the commas, brackets, and quotes are being used where needed!
- IsDateBefore, IsDateAfter, IsDateBetween Functions:
- This function must use a date in Javascript, so either use a field wrapped in dateCol, or do 'new Date()' around the value you want to use
- Example: IsDateBefore(dateCol("In Service Date") , new Date("01/01/2017"))
- Difference between Adding Source Column types:
- Without Changes: if you want Kurve to read the field type set within TRIRIGA, then use this to add it without changes
- As a Date: if you want the source column to be interpreted as a date field then always add it as a date
- As a Number: if you want the source column to be interpreted as a number field then always add it as a number
Issues using Functions in Custom Columns? Print
Created by: Lauren Rochon
Modified on: Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 4:21 PM
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