Are you experieencing issues within the TRIRIGA Portal sections? Check out our tips below:

  1. Have you checked whether you used the correct URL in your portal section?
    • Remember, you should be grabbing the URL from the Get Portal URL icon and not the URL of the website

  2. In your portal section set up, did you click "autosize? 
    • This will cut off large parts of the Kurve Graphs or Reports when viewing them in the portal section. We recommend not Autosizing portal sections.

  3. Have you been added to the Kurve Access security group?
    • To view Kurve Graphs and Reports, users still need to be added to the group.

  4. Are you experiencing issues seeing that portal section as an option?
    • Have you checked whether your portal has been personalized, be sure to reset to the default portal in your personalize or portal section options.